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Is a program that in a three-phases electric system calculates the direct and inverse sequences
as well as the residual voltage.
It is also possible to perform the opposite function, that is to calculate the three phase voltages
from the direct, inverse and residual voltages.
The program Trefasi is intuitive and easy to use. It gives also an effective graphic representation
of all the calculated values.
Not all antiviruses allow the download of executable files,
trefasi.exe, therefore a compressed version is also available
(trefasi.zip), which requires a subsequent extraction of the
executable file by means of WinZip o another equivalent software.
Is a powerful program to explore the steam-water Mollier diagram. It is possible to calculate any
transformation in the T-S diagram in a simple way, by clicking the mouse on the initial and final
points or, alternatively, by manually introducing data. The calculations are based on the VDI
Steam Tables.
Not all antiviruses allow the download of executable files,
TPHSim_2.0.exe, therefore a compressed version is also available
(TPHSim_2.0.zip), which requires a subsequent extraction of the
executable file by means of WinZip o another equivalent software.
Books from the same author
Fotovoltaico per Professionisti (Francesco Groppi) - Editoriale Delfino
Impianti Solari Fotovoltaici a Norme CEI (Francesco Groppi e Carlo Zuccaro) -
Editoriale Delfino
Il Fotovoltaico per Tutti (Francesco Groppi) - Editoriale Delfino
Energia Elettrica da Fonti Rinnovabili (F. Groppi) - Editoriale Delfino
How to produce "zero-kilometre" energy in a clean and sustainable way)
Impianti Solari Termici (F. Groppi e N. Aste) - Editoriale Delfino
Manuale per l'installatore di impianti fotovoltaici (F. Groppi e C. Zuccaro)
- Editoriale Delfino
From the same author - freely downloadable -
Grid-connected photovoltaic power systems: Power value and capacity value of PV
Task V
Report IEA-PVPS T5-11: 2002
February 2002